Welcome to the Harshe Blog! We decided to begin blogging because we want to keep all of our friends and family updated on how God is working through us everyday. How He moves us, how He blesses us, and how He is always faithful.
We look forward to the adventure God is taking our family on and cannot wait to see how His glory is revealed to us every day!

(Psalms 56:3,4 ESV)
(Matthew 28:18-20 ESV)

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Our adventure part 1

We decided to start this blog because God has moved us (literally and figuratively)so much in the past year and a half that we wanted to be able to spread the word!  Since we met in 2009 it has been an adventure, and we know that God's plans for our lives were much bigger than the plans that we had for ourselves.  While living in Washington we started praying about where God would want to move us, because although God had provided a perfect place for us to meet and start our lives together, we could feel him preparing us for change. At the end of September 2010, Jesse found out that his mom's fight against cancer was becoming harder, and we both felt peace about moving to Ohio without jobs, and without a plan of our own.  We both put in our two weeks, gave our notice at our apartment complex, and set off (in the middle of the night - in the rain) with our u-haul trailer and Buddy. (Note:  Buddy decided 5 minutes into the drive that his breakfast would look better in our backseat. What a great start haha )

Although the trip was a rough 45 hour drive, we made it! We got to Ohio and God continued to pour blessing on top of blessing in our lives.  Jesse's parents allowed us to stay with them until we got our feet on the ground.  God paid our bills for over 2 months while neither of us had jobs!  He blessed us with good friends, an amazing church that we were able to get involved in right away, and nearby family.
At the end of December, I was called and offered a position with Blanchard Valley, in the registration department.  I was so excited, and although it was considered a 'casual position' where hours were not guaranteed, we knew that God would provide everything we needed.  From December through February, I was getting full time hours at the hospital.  During that time, Jesse became involved in the sound ministry at Church.  He learned the soundboard, went to worship practices, and tried to help out at much as he could, including God's use of Jesse's truck to help people move, drive through snow and flood waters.  

At the end of February, my hours started to get cut back at the hospital, as training was ending, and casual employment would begin.  Well of course, God knew this way ahead of us (as He planned it in the way only He could) and I was offered a job at The Right Thing.  Because you are able to build your own schedule and availability, I was blessed to work both positions for about 2 months.  In March, Jesse was also offered a job, in the maintenance department of Blanchard Valley Hospital.  Although it was not his dream job, it was definitely a blessing, and sent from the Lord at the perfect time.  With the blessing of both of our jobs, I was able to quit my casual employment with Blanchard Valley, and we began praying and looking for a place of our own.

After looking at apartment prices, and the prices of monthly mortgages in the area, we decided that we wanted to buy a house.  We began working with a local realtor from our church, and even had a loan that had been bank approved.  After looking at only a few houses, we found one that we really liked.  Although we wanted to make an offer, we both wanted to think about it over the weekend.  God moved Jesse's heart in a different direction that weekend, and blessed us with a 2 bedroom house in Rawson.  Our friends Andrew and Alicia blessed us by letting us rent the house. We were in a place of our own! The house was such a blessing, and on top of that, we were showered with furniture to fill the house!  So many people from the church and from our group of friends were able to bless us with free couches, chairs, tables, bed, dressers and more!  God had provided us a place to rest both in our home, and with our friends in Ohio.  It was truly a blessing, and we both felt that God had definitely brought us there.  

We will post the second part later this week…..stay tuned!  Cliche?  


  1. God has truly blessed your guys this past year! I am so excited to see what He is going to do in your lives next! Love you! :) - Tracy

  2. Me too! :) Such an exciting 2 years! Love you guys - Alex
